Tuesday, April 2, 2019



No doubt the yellowy glow that is illuminating this mech has been cast by the fireball of its' latest victim...

The battlefields fell silent this past weekend due to a combination of real life (TM) interference and another savage pollen assault. However in the latter case, after ingesting a veritable witch's brew of medications I managed to clear my head enough for a bit of brush time. I finished my 1st (of 3) Clan Wolverines' Zeta Galaxy, Wolverine II. 

Oh and WestRider: those are PAULDRONS, not epaulets! ;-p

Its a starter box Wolverine, but works just fine as the Wolverine II (aka: 7H) version which is fitted with essentially the same (albeit upgraded) weaponry as the base model. I have 2 more in-progress, each with a slight variation on the blue and yellow stripes for a smidge of individuality.

Amusingly, the legs stripes almost look like pantaloons...


  1. Hey, they looked like epaulettes in the ink drawing on the wiki ;)

    That looks really good. The yellow and blue splash nicely against the dull green. They do kinda say "Thousand Sons" to me, but that's the wrong fictional universe.

    Best of luck with the allergies!

  2. Thank you! I suppose I can see a bit of a 1kSons look, but as I don't play them the thought hadn't occurred to me. That said I've sadly seen Ultramarines mechs painted up (((shudder)))

    And thanks again, I'm certainly going to need it!
