Monday, January 27, 2025

I'll take 25 tons and under for $200 Alex.


This is a Frankie kind of lance: lots of speed and not much else.

My generic desert force now has mechs, faaaaaaast mechs! I painted them in two different shades, one that I know matched the most recent lance, and the other in hopes of matching the original lance (once again to no avail). 

Removing the excess ink on these was a treat with all of their nooks and crannies!

Close, but still not quite a match.

I have third armor lance in-progress and then that should almost be the end of this color scheme. It just started out as an exercise in quick and easy, and has just snowballed from there. The addition of the Mercuries and Mongoose mean that if I paint up a point of elementals who can tag along in a Maxim, I can even run part of this bunch as a  2nd line clan force.

The (never-intended-to-be) company thus far. 


  1. It looks like a yellowish tint of difference, so have you thought about trying a yellow wash to get it closer to the original?

  2. Nah, am fine with there being some variation amongst the colors at this point. The next armor lance will have it's colors split like the mechs.
