Monday, June 12, 2023

Alpha Strike, Round 2


Today is a good day to die!

I got in another game of Alpha Strike this week, again with my son Frankie fielding the 'good' lance, and myself with the lighter weight one. Frankie had a heavy weight, C3 lance. Still inexperienced, he came out cautiously, getting little to no benefit from his heavy armor, weapons, much less the C3. 

I again found myself leading the charge with Urbies, which had predictable results. 

Eventually, he got more aggressive after some prodding by me (and threats to have him field the fragile Urbies next time around). His Dragon did reach Screech's table edge though at one point, unfortunately he pulled a Neverness and blew his collective to-hit rolls and derived minimal benefits from the C3's lack of modifiers.

Screech 'posing' with his Grey Death Legion force.

Honestly, the game became more fun when I told Frankie that the prudent commander would see that the cause was lost and surrender. However the Combine's Bushido philosophy said: NO and the suicide charges began in earnest!

The IFF is...confused. 

(Always remember to paint your mechs kids!)

In a nutshell: we got tabled. As such I can't say that we're improving and I was a little salty for a moment there about Screech's pair of skill 2 pilots, but the game ended on a high note.  And by 'high note', yes I mean suicide charges and glorious last stands. Those being the Hunchback in the first pic, the Marauders above (Screech's survived with a lone point of structure remaining), and our last to fall, the Jenner below. 

Despite have a damaged fire control system, I've found that yelling: "WILD FIRE!' just before rolling the dice still gets good results!. Thus, this fugly little mech, our last to fall, earned itself a proper paint job. 

On to the next list...

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