Friday, November 15, 2019

The Robotech minis the Kickstarter backers ACTUALLY wanted...


THIS! This is what we wanted out of that infernal Kickstarter!!
Also of note is the new Hardware Studios terrain in the background (funded by the sale of 40k minis).
By now, regardless of whether or not you were invested in it or not, everyone ought to be well acquainted with the clusterfuck that was Palladium's Robotech Tactics Kickstarter. Heh, after looking up that link, I checked on the now 103K+ comments of vitriol and hate to see that folks are STILL commenting on It's done guys, get over it. Really. 

The mech itself is feather light and the wings are translucent, but ought to be fine even if you drop it...maybe.

Besides, Kids Logic now has the license and is making the minis we had hoped for in the first place! Unless you actually wanted a Warhammer that came in 30ish pieces rather than 3-4...

Really crisp detail. 

For instance, I ordered a Phoenix Hawk Battloid mode Veritech as a test purchase. $15 total with shipping direct from Hong Kong that took maybe a week and a half total. The mini had ZERO flash/mold lines and was 3 pieces that went together in minutes. 

Fits perfectly on the Gamecraft base which is the standard hex size. 

The only trimming was removing the pegs on the bottom of the feet so I could put it on one of my Gramecraft minis' hex bases. This was more or less a 'test purchase' (being justifiably wary after the KS), but now that I have it there will likely be another coming in the future as right after I ordered this they released the Warhammer


  1. Those are pretty nice. I might be placing an order after the holidays.

  2. Oh, dude, those are sweet! I need at least one each of the "Warhammer" and "Archer".

  3. I’m pretty sure shipping is a flat $5 regardless of what you buy. I’ll likely get some more in the future as well.
