Monday, September 16, 2024

Desert Recon Lance


Fast & fragile, just the way scouts ought to be!

These were a bit of a speed paint and as good as they look, you can expect to see more models painted to match these four. They give me a bit of a Desert Storm vibe, with rooster tails of sand billowing out behind them as they tear across the desert sands.  

Opposite view.

Three Galleon Light tanks backed up by a Skulker Wheeled Scout tank is nothing to be feared on the tabletop (well, unless they're C3i Wobblie Galleons...). That said,they do have their uses as distractions, spotters, harassers, as well as for the ever popular Alpha Strike past time of shooting enemies in the back. 

The parts to be obscured by all of the flying sand...

The Skulker, if used as the MG variant, can double as an APC.

The 'turret' is more of a remote weapon station, as on modern AFVs.

Curiously the side guns aren't in sponsons, and so only fire in a 45 degree arc out to the sides, rather than a more proper 180 degrees.

Of course, like all of the other KS tanks, the 'turret' rotates.

The lance itself is also generic enough to be useful in any Inner Sphere faction in practically any era. Hell, they'll even work for the Star League in Exile and the Pentagon Powers.

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